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Han Thai Ministries

Han Thai Ministries was formed with the goal of partnering with churches in order to equip indigenous pastors and missionaries with theological training they can use to advance the gospel within the context of their respective cultures. However, "A man’s heart plans his way,
but the Lord determines his steps." (Pr 16:9 HCSB)

Han Thai Ministries continues to support para-church ministries that work, directly or indirectly, towards combatting human trafficking with a Christian worldview and supports other organizations that help carry out the Great Commission.

Han Thai Ministries also provides short-term pulpit supply to select international, English language churches.

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Han Thai Ministries

Home: Welcome

Our Vision

The words of Jesus as recorded in Matthew 28:19-20, is our vision statement. Our emphasis is on, "...teaching them to to observe everything...", Jesus commanded His disciples.

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Home: Who We Are

Our Basic Beliefs

The Scriptures

The Holy Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God. It is God’s revelation of Himself to mankind. It includes both the Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture) and the New Testament (New Covenant). It is free from error and is the standard by which all things are measured.


There is one true and living God, coexisting in three distinct persons without division or conflict in His nature, essence or His being.

God the Father

God the Father reigns with absolute sovereignty over the entire universe which is His creation. He is Father to all who profess His Son, Jesus Christ, as LORD and Savior.

God the Son

Jesus Christ is known as God the Son, the incarnation of the triune God. He is Messiah. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born to the Virgin Mary, led a perfect, sinless life and offered His life and His blood as the final sacrifice. He was crucified, died on the Cross, was buried and resurrected on the third day. After His resurrection He appeared to His disciples, ascended into heaven, and reigns at the right hand of God until His return.

God the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the eternal Spirit of God. He indwells those who have accepted Christ as LORD and Savior, convicting men and women of sin and empowering them to advance God’s Kingdom and glorify God and exalt the name of Jesus Christ.


Men and women are a special creation of God, created in His image and His likeness, created male and female. God gave every man and woman free-will, and does not violate their free-will. The exercise of free-will against God is sin and all of mankind has sinned. Because of sin all of mankind deserves death and eternal separation from God but in His grace and mercy God provided a way for mankind to be restored to Himself.


Salvation is a gift of God to mankind by placing faith in Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. Salvation cannot be earned but comes by God’s grace and mercy. A gift has two parts: First is has to be offered and then it must be accepted. God’s gift is offered through Jesus Christ in His vicarious death and resurrection.

Home: Welcome

Meet the Team

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Ray & Chisuk Smith

Founding Directors


Seon Young Han

Director-Thailand Regional Representative

Home: Meet the Team
Home: Clients
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